“As a parent going through the Special Education process for the first time, it was quite comforting and reassuring to have Sid attending my meetings with me as my advocate. Not only did he listen to my concerns regarding my daughter, he was extremely vigilant in researching her records and looking at current and past grades as well as all standardized test scores.”
~ Bonnie — parent
“I have been in many Special Education meetings that private advocates have attended. It was a pleasure working with Sid Wesseldine on a case. Sid was extremely knowledgeable about the Special Education process and guidelines. He was very professional during Special Education meetings and never appeared confrontational as I have seen in the past with other advocates. I will definitely recommend Sid to the parents I work with when an advocate is needed.”
~ VBCPS Social Worker
"Sid Wesseldine has been serving as an advocate for my son James Bacchus since November 11, 2016. James has a lot of medical issues such as asthma, seizures, birth defects, and emotional and social issues. James developed anxiety and stress issues associated with PTSD because of the bad experiences he had to deal with at school. Mr. Wesseldine has attended several IEP, SEC and eligibility meetings with me to help make sure that my son’s educational, social/emotional, and medical needs were met at school. He has also stayed in close contact with my son’s doctors to make sure their medical input was conveyed at meetings.
"Mr. Wesseldine has also come to support James in activities and social events outside of school. Mr. Wesseldine has provided me with another support system and has helped me to fight for James. He has showed us that he truly cares about James and that he wants the best for him. The help that we have received, and are continuing to receive, from Mr. Wesseldine will get James placed in the best school setting for him and make sure that he receives the educational training he needs to ensure a successful future. Mr. Wesseldine is not only our advocate, he has become our friend."
~ Tanja Bacchus
"We are so very thankful to have Sid on our team. He advocates for us and our son so that he can continue to receive the services that he desperately needs. He is excellent at communicating with us and the school members. He is personable and collaborates effectively with us and the school team to provide the best possible outcome and education for our son. We appreciate all that he does!"
~ Tonya
"We have been clients of Sid for over a year now and he was worked tirelessly for us helping our daughter get the services she needs from school. I highly recommend Sid to anyone looking for someone who is not in it for the money but for the good of the child and what the child needs. Sid has always been willing to go above and beyond for us and for that we are forever grateful."
~ Derek and Rebecca
"Mr. Wesseldine has proven to be a key piece in navigating elementary school challenges. As a parent of a spirited child our road has been bumpy. This road is overwhelming for parents when trying to fit into a public school’s rigid mold. Having professional support has not only been instrumental in success but has offered me relief in feeling like someone is on our side. "
~ Anne
"As a mother of a tween on the autism spectrum, I am aware of the challenges and frustration parents like myself are faced with while advocating for their children to receive the correct support, placement and services to promote their academic success. My daughter has struggled in every academic setting she has attended since kindergarten; she has been immersed in various placements, although we haven't moved, and none were successful. I have been a strong advocate for her and have literally done everything I could to be involved and supportive while requesting that her social, emotional and academic needs are met. Now, my daughter is in 6th grade and it literally took ONE IEP meeting with Mr. Wesseldine in attendance for the placement I had been requesting since 2nd grade to be approved. Are there still concerns? Yes. However, she is showing the most progress in her current school than she ever has. Mr. Wesseldine is always a call away if I have concerns or if we need his support. He makes himself available for meetings, conference calls and review of documents based on my child's needs. My only regret is that I didn't reach out for his help sooner. He really cares."
~ Karen
"We used Sid's expertise for the first time last year. In the past, IEP meetings made me nervous and gave me anxiety as I always feel the "team" is really against my daughter and what is best for her. However, this experience, with Sid on my team was one of the best. He was very knowledgeable in the verbiage and "laws" of the IEP. He did all the talking, which took all the emotion out of it for me. Usually, I leave IEP meetings wanting to cry but this time I left with a fist pump and knew that my daughter was on the right track for middle school. Sid is worth every dollar we spent and I will never go into an IEP meeting without him on my team."
~ Rachel